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Discovering Brazil’s flourishing wine scene plus 10 wines to seek out

A groundbreaking new DO for sparkling wines, pioneering viticultural techniques, a greater willingness to experiment and improved marketing beyond its borders mean Brazilian wines are currently making waves.

White beaches, Amazon rainforests, Rio carnival, football. It’s fair to say that wine isn’t the first thing that springs to mind when you think of Brazil. But this vast country is making significant headway into the global wine scene.

Scroll down to see tasting notes and scores for 10 wines from Brazil to try

The beginning of Brazil’s wine story isn’t an auspicious one. Although vines first arrived in 1532 with Portuguese explorer Martim Afonso de Sousa, early plantings failed. It wasn’t until Brazil gained independence from Portugal in 1822 – a move that coincided with a gold rush and subsequent flood of European immigration – that wine culture took root.

Wines from Brazil: 10 to try

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